Dog feces


Dog’s excrement, poop, feces

The dream about pooping dog can be interpreted in few different ways.

First, most often feces in dream is induced by internal stimuli. This works as an alert to the dreamer, that it is a time to wake up and to use toilet. Bowel movements is internal stimuli and because of it we have dreams about feces.

Second meaning can show your worry about your dog. If you have a dog, then maybe you are worried that your dog is pooping right now while you are asleep. Such dream works as reminder to take your dog out .

Third interpretation is about symbolic significance of dog’s excrement in dreams. Feces in dream represents elimination and refuse from the past. Something that you want to forget. Dog stands for friendship and loyalty. Maybe you have lost your friend and now your mind is telling to forget that friendship. In same manner dream can represent bad feelings, thought or actions, that you want to get rid off. All of these are related to friendship in some way. Maybe you was bad to your friend or a friend was bad to you.  Either ways defecation means relief – an expression after suppression.

Fourth meaning is about fortune. As superstition feces of dog can symbolize money, wealth and other riches. Maybe you will establish friendly connection that will lead you into good financial position. Or maybe you are in such connection right now and that is going right now in same direction.

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